Last Step: Complete Your Payment
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To Students graduating in 2025
A student asked the following question: This was my response: Every year, there are over 10 fully funded scholarships that are easy to apply and get (if you do your…
The Knowledge Gap you didn’t expect
I came accross this post on Instagram and I could resonate with it 100%. She said it exactly how it is and I remember experiencing the same thing in my…
A letter to my Heart
My friend, please lend an ear, Life’s fleeting, death is near. It might come on land, sea or air, In a form you can never expect. When that day comes…
My Birthday Reflection
Alhamdulillah, today marks another year of blessings. While it began on a somber note, it’s ending with a heart full of gratitude and renewed purpose, all thanks to an unexpected…
5 Paid Internship Opportunites For International Students in Turkey
I am about to share with you 5 amazing paid internship opportunities that can help you kickstart your career. These opportunities are a great way to spend your summer because…