

Senior year Computer Engineering Student passionate about leading businesses to decisions with data insights


Data Professional Survey Breakdown

Using the responses obtained from 600+ participants in the LinkedIn Survey put out by Alex The Analyst on his LinkedIn page, I analyzed the current distribution of data professionals across geographies, salaries, and gender.

Python, PowerBI, Data Visualization, Excel, DAX Functions

The Relationship between Sleep & Lifestyle in Men

The aim of this project is to analyze the effects of physical activities and daily lifestyle on sleep quality and stress levels. We plan to investigate how certain activities and personal preferences regarding lifestyle influence the mental state and activeness in males.

Python, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Excel

How to Use Gama & C Parameters

In this explanatory blog Post, we debunk the confusion between Gama & C Parameters and clarify when and how to use them for fine-tuning.

Python, SVM, Modelling, Parameter-tuning

Analysing Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WRMSDS) In Construction (CI-08-2023-0193)

Analyzed 600+ publications and citations on musculoskeletal disorders in construction to obtain insights on trends over the past 35 years. Created Visualizations using Excel, Python, and Google Slides

Python, Data Visualization, Excel

Professional Experience

Sep 2023 – Aug 2023. Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ)
Systems Engineering Intern

Airplanes – UAV – Drones

Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) architecture

Requirements Engineering

Avionics Systems

Feb 2023 – May 2023. ICES4HU
Business Analyst

Responsible for the Online Store, Website, Social Media, and Marketing

Conducted requirements-gathering sessions to elicit 20+ business needs, resulting in a comprehensive SRS document.

Collaborated with the front-end design team to create an intuitive and user-friendly GUI.

Developed detailed use cases and architectural notebooks for 4 unique system components.

Integrated components seamlessly and completed the project ahead of time achieving the highest grades among 20

Sep 2022 – Oct 2022. Robit Teknoloji
Business Analyst Intern

Responsible for researching customer needs, prioritizing, and documenting the Software Requirements Specifications

Organized meetings with clients and key stakeholders to analyze and elicit requirements for an IoT web app project

Collaborated with the business analyst and development team to design extendable use cases and UML diagrams

Identified constraints, prioritized functionalities, and reported weekly developments to the project lead

Produced a 20-page software requirements specifications document approved by the development team as a guide in creating a roadmap

Jun 2022 – Aug 2022. IdealGlas
E-Commerce Project Manager

Responsible for the Online Store, Website, Social Media, and Marketing

Analyzed Company data on market trends within 2 years to discover top leading companies for Partnership

Directed the creation of a business corporate website for the Aluminium department from concept to completion

Led a team of 4 in implementing a cost-effective marketing campaign to reach customers online and through email

Automated a process workflow to send multiple emails at once saving 30% time.